Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Read my Story?

I was writing my story today for the first time in weeks, and i wrote something that i believe will be my favorte quote of the whole book. "You can only stare at a wall for so long before you start questioning your sanity"

I tihnk its awesome.

Here's a link to the full first chapter. First Wish
its on my DA account. if uve got the time, take a look!

Anyways... todays pushing daisies was AMAZING!!! i wont give away the details, but it was just MAGICAL. ........LAUGH

I set my comic to update friday (Finally). and next friday. i just have to scan my thanksgiving pictures.

I think thats it. ill podt agian if im wrong.

Friday, November 14, 2008


omg pushing daisies is dying!!! I'm so mad!!!! It's such an awesome show, it can't die, it just CAN'T!!! There's supposed to be an episod that is about Pete's dragon. How awesome is that?
Gratefully, the writers understand the fans pains. They are going to write a comic book fir the rest of the story if the show is canceled. Phew. It's not as cool as a show would b, but at least it would allow all my questions answered.
ABC on wedensdays at 8, but I think it's going to b on Thursday next week. Unless it's already dead D:

Watch them on WATCH THEM!!!

On a different note, I watched the "last episode" of inuyasha. I was like WTF?!? I mean, I knew the show stopped way before the comic, but he had just finished thinking about how he has such a ways to go. WHAT THE HELL?!
Grr. I'm angry

Thursday, November 13, 2008


I think I'm getting rid of my Darkness Crusade Forum blog, and just use my Myspace as a Forum. Here's the link:

I have a second one, its in the friends as Kitsune. add me! (If i know you; I'm not a myspace whore :)

Anyways, I'm gonna be more active on myspace. and here.

So i was reading a Christopher Hart How to Draw Chibi book, and i realized for the 50 millionth time how much i hate how Hart writes how to draw manga books. they do have good info, but he's so definite. It's like its THIS way, NO other way, just THIS way, just MY way. So I drew a Fox girl. with fox feet! you know with the raised heel? i forgot the technical term. anyway, here it is:

Check out my Deviant art!

I wrote a poem for class today. I really liked how it came out, but I don't remember the whole thing. here are the first few lines:

Into the woods
Through the trees
Out of my life would you please?
Go into the woods

Lol. the poem had one meaning: GO AWAY. I dunno who its for yet, but I'm sure I'll figure it out. Eventually.

Since I'm already talking about poems, here's one of my favorites. It was in the Dean Koontz book I read:

The woods are lovely, dark, and deep,
but I've got promises to keep
And miles to go before I sleep,
And miles to go before I sleep.

By Robert Frost. I think its pretty :)

The book was "The Darkest Evening of the Year". It was about a dog lover, an architect, a crazy woman, her slighly less crazy lover, and a golden retreiver named Nickie. Oh, and don't forget the snipers. and the sex, of course (Theres like 2 pages of it). It was a good book, and I recomend it to avid readers.

Well I think thats about it... oh yeah I have hazelnuts. They're in season, yay! Sadly its too warm to grow them in Florida. They're my favorite kind of nut, and I like nuts :). List of nuts by preference: Hazelnuts, pistachios, peanuts, pecan, and after that I don't care.

So I'm gonna watch TV now. If you have nothing better to do, watch this:

Its funny :)

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Hi everybody!

I'm bored. I cleaned out my camera yesterday, and now i can take a milion pictures, but school isnt interesting enough to take pictures of.

Will someone comment? please? I'm uber duper BORED.

Thursday, October 30, 2008


So yesterday was normal. I went to math (every morning of the week. UGH.) then to Blocks A, C and D, (Homeroom is B Block)((YES I KNOW thats wierd) and in D (Spanish) the teacher was like Kay do you mind if I pass that comic page your looking at to that guy over there? and the whole class looked at it. it was weird.

And today, I did crafts with children! I went to this place called the Debbie School which has a lot of Deaf kids; most of them have hearing aids or an implant that looked like a little wheel coming out of their heads and a larger hearing aid around their ear. we made bats and lanterns out of cups, pirate and princess hats out of construction paper, and gave them candy :). the teacher people told them to go put it in their cubbies, but some of them tried to smuggle it in their pockets. then we ran around in the playground. I chased this one little blonde girl as a monster and ate her. then she fed me to the large Dinosaur in the back.

I took pictures, but I won't put them up here, because their parents might mind. they were all kindergarteners :)

my favorite was crawling on the floor reading the names off the crayons sewn into the rug :) he was AWESOME.

Question: Why are hearing aids only on one ear? wouldn't you be hard of hearing in both ears, or does only one go bad at a time? or is there another reason? hmmmmm.

and just for the record, my name is not Kay Osse (pronounced "Kay-Os" or "Chaos" altogether) but i shall pretend it is cuz its an awesome name. Spelling is for dweebs.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

The Nation of Islam

Did you know there is a religion that says I'm black? Here is a picture of me:

I'm 100% cuban (though born in America).

Here is a list of "Blacks"

North Americam Indians short, all non-jewish and non-white people. I'm not sure about what are considered "Muslims" or about Asians.

I think their idea is pretty interesting. If I have this correct, they believe that all white people were descendants of the people who migrated from Isreal and that area. They believe that the people who stayed there (Jews) have muddled their religion. They are not Jews; they are Jew-ISH. Like Jews.

and this is where it stops getting interesting and starts getting racist... blacks don't have SOULS. This is the idea that made slavery OK in the minds of people back in the day; People with dark skins were considered animals.

Don't call me a racist, I'm just saying facts. Slavery is wrong and I totally have a soul.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

First Post

Well... um... yeah....

I'm completely new at this so... um.... hi?